The main focus of the month was removing geraniums. This may sound a very strange task but I realised last year that my hardy geraniums were beginning to take over certain parts of the garden. I have pulled up at least thirty plants that had seeded themselves over the years in two distinct areas – one in the woodland border and one in the main border.
I’ve now introduced some new plants to these areas. In the woodland border I’ve added some more hellebores, hostas and ferns as well as lamprocapnos (dicentra), rodgersia bronze peacock and podophyllium spotty dotty.
In the main border I’ve planted cornus kousa, hebe pinocchio, and various herbaceous plants including gillenia trifoliate, penstemons, hemerocallis, lychnis, and lupins.
I still have lots of geraniums and I plan on waiting until they have finished flowering before removing some more elsewhere in the garden.