My Mum called these Happy Mediums and I find it is the best way of remembering their name. They have various common names including barrenwort, bishop’s hat, fairy wings and horny goat weed. They are evergreen hardy woodland perennials which originate mainly from China but also from the Mediterranean.
I think they are one of the best ground cover plants for a woodland area, but they are not invasive. These low growing plants only grow to about 30cm in height. The stunning leaves tinted in a combination of bronze, copper and red remain present for much of the year. Some turn a more scarlet colour in the autumn months. They are tough little plants. I planted one in full sun which was supposed to be a temporary position whilst I extended my woodland border, but it looked so happy that I’ve left it in its temporary home. It has now been there for over 5 years and looks just as good as any of those in the woodland border.
The only task that you need to do is to trim off the foliage in February before the small flowers and new leaves start to emerge. This can be a difficult decision as the older leaves are still looking great. However, by trimming off the old foliage at this time of year you get to appreciate the new flowers appear before the new foliage gets going.